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Terms of use

Welcome to our website.

We inform you that the access and the use of this website are subject to the following terms of service. Any partial or total modification, variation and update made to the terms of use will be notified to our users by the publication on the website and are legally binding for the users themselves.

The access and the visualization of the website (page views, image downloads, information and purchased products) must be solely for personal use. The use of this website for commercial, professional and entrepreneurial purposes even on behalf of a third party, is strictly prohibited. 

Users who access to our website are the only responsible for the divulgation of the contents, information and other material, without expressed consent of GMWORLD s.r.l.s. in particular in case of divulgation of incorrect and false data or related to third party, GMWORLD s.r.l.s. denies any liability. Downloading images, information and any other material obtained through the use of this website is at the user’s own risk only.

GMWORLD s.r.l.s. denies any liabilities for any consequential damage. The safe-keeping of credential to access to our website is the responsibility of the user. The purchased  products on our website are sold and fiscally treated by GMWORLD s.r.l.s. headquartered in Via Premuda, 22 – 73100 – Lecce (Italy) C.F. e P.IVA: 05205930752 – REA: 349795

Privacy policy

Users are required to read carefully the privacy policy which is enforced from the moment of the access and the use of the services of our website, even without purchasing any product.

Intellectual property rights

All the contents of our website: images, pictures, music, videos, logos, dialogues, software, etc…, 

in any format and size are protected by copyright and by intellectual property rights of GMWORLD s.r.l.s. and others who own the rights. 

Users are authorized only to viewing, surfing, and purchasing our products, provided that such operations meet legal purposes and respect the copyright and the intellectual property rights of GMWORLD s.r.l.s. and of the other authors of each work in the website.

Brands and domain names

GMWORLD s.r.l.s. is the only holder of the logos and of the brands named GUIDOMAGGI and of any other feature which includes the word “GUIDOMAGGI”, included the domain names and

Any unauthorized illegal use of the above-mentioned brands, is forbidden and involves serious legal consequences. It is strictly forbidden to use these brands and any other feature on

in order to unjustly take advantage from the renown of them or in order to bring them and their holders prejudices.

Content warnings

GMWORLD s.r.l.s. takes any useful precaution in order to ensure its users the right and updated information of the website, although it denies any liabilities towards its users concerning the precision and the completeness of the contents published on its website.

In addition it can’t guarantee the continuity of its own website, without interruption, lack of mistakes/errors or malfunctioning problems related to the internet connection.

GMWORLD s.r.l.s. does its best in order to keep its own users’ data safe and used according to the laws in force.

In case of any kind of controversy the place of jurisdiction is the Tribunale di Lecce (Court of Lecce).