So, I’ve done the two earlier ages, now it’s on to adding height in your 40s and beyond.
4 inches taller to be the perfect groom
Published on October 9, 2020GuidoMaggi, the Fall/Winter collection between tradition and innovation
Published on September 23, 2020The elevator shoes for the new season feature a linear shape and clean design. An unprecedented mix of tradition and innovation for height increasing shoes that will make you rise at every occasion
The World’s Largest Elevator Shoes Store – In the Heart of Europe
Published on September 8, 2020Now I have mostly bought my elevators online…in fact, what am I saying: I have ALWAYS bought my elevators online, from my 4” Ischia to my 5” Shanghai to my 6” Hong Kong. But if I had the option, in the final analysis, I would just LOVE to be able to run riot in a shoeshop and check out the whole lot
Age | Growing in to your style – mid/late 20s to early 40s
Published on August 31, 2020Last time, I talked about adding height at the first stage when you might wish to be taller. Your teens and early 20s. Well, by your mid to late 20s, you have kinda worked out your style (or will do fairly soon!), the way you live your life…and how that affects the way you add height, and the degree to which you do it or want to. What are the upsides and downsides of adding height in that mid 20s to early 40s period?
How to look slimmer in style
Published on August 20, 2020Hints and tips to slim the figure, especially in summer. Not only dark and high-waisted garments, but above all, elevating footwear which gives up to 6 inches more in height
Age | Young guys getting taller – Part 1
Published on August 14, 2020We don’t talk much about age and adding height. But age makes a very big difference in how you go about adding height – the way you do it and the various limitations are greater at some ages than other.
White shirt and elevator shoes: the perfect mix for the summer
Published on August 7, 2020Dynamic, fresh and versatile, the white shirt is the right complement for every outfit: to be combined with GuidoMaggi elevator models to enhance your unique and exclusive style
Summer in shorts and elevator shoes
Published on July 31, 2020As for the style, it depends on the body shape and personal taste, the important thing is to combine shorts and bermudas with GuidoMaggi height increasing shoes. Freedom and elegance for a perfect outfit on any occasion
Siesta Key and Hanalei Bay: luxury becomes sneakers
Published on July 31, 2020The brand new sneakers in suede are elegant and fresh, the must have for any outfit. Up to 3.1 inches more in height with bespoke shoes 100% handmade in Italy