Start again in style: how Guidomaggi elevator shoes can transform your return to the office

Fall is just around the corner, the summer vacation is ending and it’s time to come back to the office for everyone. Elevator shoes can help you return to work with a boost of confidence and style. There are practical and aesthetic benefits to wearing a pair of shoes with built-in elevator systems, such as better posture and a more professional and authoritative image, but a pair of Guidomaggi’s can also positively affect your attitude and mindset when coming back to a work environment after the vacations.

After a summer of sun, sea and relaxation, returning to the office can seem like a daunting task, we must admit. However, facing the resumption of the work routine doesn’t have to be a gray and monotonous experience. On the contrary, it can be the perfect opportunity to revamp your style and regain the confidence that is often the real driver of professional success. Guidomaggi’s elevator shoes offer the ideal combination of elegance and comfort, allowing you to add several inches in height and a good dose of self-confidence. And if you’re wondering how this is possible, now let’s find out together how a small detail of style can make all the difference in turning your return to work into a positive and rejuvenating experience.

Read also: Back to work, it’s time to elevate your style


Elevator shoes in the office improve posture and professional image

Wearing elevator shoes is not just a matter of gaining a few inches in height, it is also a way to improve posture and, consequently, professional image. Have you ever thought about this?Numerous studies show that proper posture positively affects others’ perceptions of us, and it goes without saying how important this can be in an office setting, in order to be heard and respected by colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Not surprisingly, research published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology found that people with an upright posture are perceived as more confident, competent and a leader than those who tend to hunch over.

Guidomaggi elevator shoes are designed to promote a more upright and stable posture, reducing the tendency to lean forward or maintain poor posture. This not only helps prevent muscle and joint pain, but also sends a signal of safety and professionalism in the workplace. In addition, better posture can positively affect your voice, making it louder and clearer, a crucial aspect in meetings and presentations.

Wearing elevator shoes in the office therefore becomes a strategic choice: not only do they increase your stature by up to 4 inches (for some models even by 6 inches!) but they improve body posture, helping to project an image of authority and confidence, which are essential in a work environment, especially a highly competitive one.


Elevator shoes in the office improve your self concept

The way we perceive ourselves, known as self-concept, has a profound impact on how we behave and how we deal with daily challenges, especially in a professional environment. Elevator shoes can play a surprisingly significant role in improving this perception. The psychology of dressing, according to studies by Adam D. Galinsky of Northwestern University, suggests that what we wear not only affects how others see us, but also how we see ourselves. This phenomenon, called “enclothed cognition” emphasizes that a change in clothing can translate into a change in personal attitude and behavior.

Wearing a pair of shoes that immediately gives a man greater height, without others noticing the built-in elevator systems, can therefore positively influence the self-concept. The perception of being taller not only improves self-confidence, but can also lead to an increased sense of power and competence. A study published in the Journal of Business and Psychology showed that feeling taller and more powerful can increase decision-making ability and effectiveness in work interactions.
In the office, where self-esteem and confidence are essential, the simple act of wearing elevator shoes can provide the mental boost needed to face meetings, presentations and daily challenges with greater determination and presence. In summary, choosing them is not just a matter of style, but a strategy for strengthening one’s self-concept and, as a result, improving professional performance.

Which elevator shoes to choose in the office
Having clarified all the benefits that the extra inches of built-in elevator systems can bring to your success at work, here are a few tips on choosing models. First of all, it should be emphasized that the choice of elevator shoes to wear in the office depends on the degree of formality of your work environment and your personal style.

For formal settings, such as corporate offices or high-level meetings, opt for elevator drees shoes such as Oxfords or Derbys. These leather styles, with elegant finishes, go perfectly with a suit and give a refined, authoritative look. It doesn’t matter whether they have buckles or laces, whether they are punched or completely smooth, what matters is that they are elegant and well matched to the suit you are wearing.

If your work environment is semi-formal, so it’s an office where a business-casual look is acceptable, elevator loafers are an excellent choice. These styles offer an ideal mix of elegance and comfort while maintaining a polished but more relaxed style than classic shoes.

For creative offices or startups, where personal style is freer, you can undoubtedly consider more casual shoes such as elevator leather sneakers or a pair of elevator chelsea boots. These models are perfect to pair with modern and versatile looks, especially if you are under 35, but at the same time they will always ensure you look neat and professional, but with a touch of originality.

Browsing Guidomaggi’s catalog you can discover hundreds of models of elevator shoes perfect for a business look, more or less formal depending on your needs, and express your style while maintaining the elegance and confidence that your work environment requires.

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